Thesis : The role of appearance in Social Media 

Thesis : The role of appearance in Social Media 

Throughout my personal reflection

I’ve been contemplating how appearance has become a major issue or turning point in our society. One reason is that in many cultures, physical appearance is often linked to ideas of attractiveness and beauty. These ideals are frequently promoted in the media, through advertising and entertainment, and can exert a powerful influence on how people perceive themselves and others.

Additionally, with the rise of social media, people are exposed to a wider range of images of « perfect » bodies and faces, which can lead to feelings of self-doubt and insecurity. Another reason is the role of the fashion and beauty industries. These industries are built on the notion that people must constantly change and improve their appearance to be attractive and successful.They create products, trends, and standards that can make people feel like they need to conform to be accepted.

Moreover, our fast-paced daily lives and technological advancements often place pressure on our appearance. For example, the ease of taking photos with a cell phone and sharing them with the world has made people more self-conscious about their appearance and often led to a desire for perfection. The pressure to conform to certain physical standards is not limited to women, it also applies to men.

Societal expectations for men to be tall, muscular, and confident can also contribute to feelings of self-doubt and insecurity. Overall, numerous factors contribute to the emphasis placed on appearance in our society, and it can have negative effects on people’s self-esteem and well-being.

During my recent stay in South Korea, I observed a growing pressure from workplaces and educational institutions to conform to certain physical standards. For instance, jobs that require a lot of public speaking or interaction with clients may place a greater emphasis on appearance, which can create pressure for people to have a specific look in order to succeed.

How does one influencer differentiate himself from the crowd ?

Livre de Donald Miller "Building a Story Brand"

The spectacle

Today, lifestyle brands use the same communication tools to connect with consumers that consumers use to connect with their friends and family. And how do we connect ? Through images.

And so every influencers has to perform or even simulate, an aesthetic that will catch the eye of everyone on the Internet. They don’t especially live what they show, but they have to make you believe that they do. 

Digging a vibe

The challenge in channeling aspirations and desires through spectacles lies in the inclination to conform to the spectacle’s standards without considering the effort involved in creating the image or performance.

Influencers are trying to fit an image rather than an experience. That’s not to say that their performance isn’t authentic to some degree. It’s that the labor required to document is completely hidden. Usually vibes aren’t something that they reach out to do, at some point the compilation of hundreds of videos creates a vibe. This vibe is basically their identity and they make up what every one of their followers like about them. 

Practices makes perfect

As I said the more content they produce the more they get better at it. The more reach they get and so on. It is kind of a snowball effect. The most difficult is to be consistent. As I have talked about in my thesis, the impact of this on their mental health is well-documented and it costs a lot to be able to produce this much content.

More ?

In my thesis, I have been able to dig deeper into these aspects. If you are interested don’t hesitate to contact me to have an exchange or even read my work.