Methodological Note of: “Empowering Health in the Digital Age: A Nutritionist’s Take on ‘The Digital Health Revolution’ Book”


In the creation of ‘Empowering Health in the Digital Age: A Nutritionist’s Take on ‘The Digital Health Revolution’,’ I leveraged the advanced capabilities of AI, specifically ChatGPT-4.0, to enhance the research, drafting, and refinement processes. This methodological note outlines how AI tools were integral in developing an article that not only informs but also engages and inspires.


1/ AI Tools Used:

Name: OpenAI ChatGPT-4.0

Version: Paid



2/ Exploration, Idea Development, and Creativity:

In the initial phase, I engaged ChatGPT-4.0 with specific questions to explore digital health themes, reflecting on my insights from reading « The Digital Health Revolution » and transcribing a YouTube interview with Kevin Pereau. For example, I asked, “Can you gather and summarize my notes below about the book in the form of an article for Linked In?”. This approach helped me identify key themes for my article.


3/ Planning and Organization:

I utilized AI to structure my ideas into a coherent outline. A specific prompt was, « Could you give me a title to the article? » followed by requests to organize and refine the content based on the insights from the book and the interview, ensuring a logical flow of information.


4/ Writing and Articulation:

ChatGPT-4.0 assisted in drafting complex sentences and arguments. I asked for help in paraphrasing content and integrating insights from Kevin Pereau’s interview, such as, « can you add to the conclusion an extra sentence to encourage people to read the book? ». This facilitated a clearer articulation of ideas in text, aligning with the impact goals of my creation.


5/ Ethics, Sources, and Hallucinations:

Throughout the process, I ensured ethical use of ChatGPT-4.0, focusing on accuracy and proper citation. I clarified that the sources were from my feedback/insight of the book, verified examples (like wearables and glucometers), and citations from the YouTube interview. Notably, ChatGPT did not produce any hallucinated content during our interactions.


6/ Iterative Refinement and Quality Assurance:

Throughout the writing process, I engaged in an iterative cycle of refinement with ChatGPT-4.0, critically evaluating its responses and suggestions to ensure they accurately reflected the insights from ‘The Digital Health Revolution’ and my professional perspective as a nutritionist. This involved revising prompts, clarifying intentions, and sometimes challenging the AI to delve deeper into specific topics, ensuring the final content was not only informative but also nuanced and reflective of current digital health discussions.

« While the initial response captures the general impact of digital health technologies, it lacks specific examples and doesn’t address the nuanced challenges and opportunities these technologies present. Could you include more detailed examples, such as how wearable glucose monitors change diabetic patient care, and discuss potential privacy concerns and the need for digital literacy among patients? »


7/ Examples of Prompts and Interactions:

This section highlights how specific prompts led to meaningful content development. For instance:

  • “Based on the summary you provided, can you now expand on how digital health technologies are impacting patient care, particularly focusing on wearables and mobile health apps?”
  • “Here is the interview, I want us to add 2 to 3 small paragraphs of Kevin’s insights to the article we wrote thus far, and to ass some of his citations. We can mention the interview and I can add its Youtube link to the article as well. What to focus on: He mentioned nutritionists a lot and the importance of their role, he also talked about the healthcare system, the importance of lifestyle changes and physical activity, the devices and applications he uses etc. so you can take those citations and make paragraphs about those subjects, as well as any other topic he talked about and that is relevant to my book review as well as my fields and theses. Thanks”
  • « Can you add before those three paragraphs a sentence/title about the interview? »
  • “Can you add a part about chronic diseases (taken from the end of the interview as well)?”
  • « Could you please add some examples of wearables and glucometers for diabetic patients as well as anything that might be missing? »
  • « Can you keep the current version of the article as is, and add subtitles to the paragraphs for ease of reading? »
  • « Could you add to the conclusion an extra sentence to encourage people to read the book? »
  • « Can you combine these two parts to make it longer and more comprehensive? »
  • « Could you update this part slightly to remove repetitions and make it more concise? »
  • “How many words is the article so far?”


Thank you, reader, for your time!

Here is the link to my article on LinkedIn:


Stephanie Nehme