Clubhouse, the future of social networking ?

Clubhouse, the future of social networking ?

Have you heard about Clubhouse yet ?

the new social media platform based solely on voice is raging and trending and creating intense reactions from people all around the world.

The application was developed by entrepreneurs Paul Davison and Rohan Seth, both former Tech employees from big firms in Silicon Valley including Google. Clubhouse is based on audio-chat, which is part talkback radio, part conference call. The app was launched in March of 2020, and many tech celebrities have already joined in, including Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg.

In Clubhouse, you can join conversations, connect with people, start discussion rooms. Each room has moderators, speakers, and listeners. You can « raise their hand » to speak, however moderators control who gets speaking privileges. Clubhouse is also the best platform to network easily and build up a following base.

What is special about this platform, is the vast power of networking that it gives its users. Joining in, you are immediately part of an elitist group of Crypto Currency Gurus, Marketing specialist, startup founders, and even influencers giving incredible insights on investments, the market, branding strategies and so on…

Not as ideal as it mind sound like…

However, as perfect as this new app might sound to be, it has various limitations. The biggest one is its availability only on iPhones. Moreover, live conversations that are not saved. Plus, in order to join in, users have to either apply through the app and get placed in a waitlist or get direct access to their account through the invitation of someone who already has an account.

The exclusivity of the App, is however what makes it so unique and desirable. People want to be included and are creating a fuss around it, luckily the creators have assured us on their blog that one of their goals is to open up the app to the whole world by 2021.