Best mental health apps: a solution for those who can’t afford therapy?


Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, people have globally reported a decline in mental health. In countries where medical care is poor, such as Colombia, suicides have increased, with 9% in 2020 between January and April. In developing countries, up to 85% of individuals with mental health conditions do not receive care due to lack of resources and investments.

Digital solutions can offer therapeutic approaches and support on a large scale. They are accessible at any time and from anywhere, providing help for those who need and can’t afford it.

It is important to note however that these apps are not designed to diagnose a condition nor substitute the support of a professional. Still, they can be a huge support overall, especially for developing countries.

 Here are the 10  best mental health apps in 2021.

Mental health apps
Mental health apps in 2021

1. Overall: Moodfit
The app is designed to help you feel better. You can set goals, track your moods to better understand them, you can practice new skills like mindfulness.
Cost: Free

2. Best for therapy: Talkspace
You can connect with a wide network of pros!
Cost: Monthly subscription.

3. For meditation: Calm
You can find individual exercices, calming sounds…
Cost: 7-day free trial

4. Boot your mood: Happify
This app helps reduce stress, overcome negative thoughts and it is easy to use.
Cost: Free and paid versions.

5. For anxiety: Mindshift CBT
Everything about psychotherapy techniques.
Cost: Free

6. For depression: Depression CBT Self-help guide
Pros: there are great tools to help you manage your symptoms. Cons: only available on android devices.
Cost: Free

7. For bipolar disorder: emoods
Mood tracker, chart of progress and you can also share the info with your doctor.
Cost: Basic version is free

8. Addiction: QuitThat
You can track how long it’s been since you quit.
Cost: Free

9. Eating disorders: Recovery Record
Foo diary to track your  food, thoughts and feelings.
Cost: Free

10. OCD (Obssessive compulsive disorder): NOCD
Backed by specialist, schedule live therapy sessions, peer community, personalized plans.
Cost: Different payment plans


What are your apps? Do you have any recommendation? Leave your comment below!! 🙂