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Valentine’s Day, the truth : Spending, Love & Awkward Gifts

Valentine’s Day Celebration Statistics: Love, Laughter, and a Dash of Debt

Valentine’s Day – the holiday that either has you swooning in romantic bliss or hiding from the nauseating sea of heart-shaped chocolates.


of consumers participate in the festivities.

While that may sound like a lot, it turns out Valentine’s Day ranks just below the popularity of Father’s Day and Memorial Day.
Apparently, we’re all more into dad jokes and barbecues than professing our undying love

Lets talk Spendings on Valentine’s Day

192 dollars

Will be spent to celebrate Valentine’s day



Up from 175 dollars in 2022

121 dollars

Will go torward dinner

335 dollars

Is the amount spend bu the people aged between  35 to 44 plan on going all out.

It seems love comes with a price tag, and it’s not for the faint of heart.

30 dollars

Will be spent for presents for family and friends, to be exact.

But hey, who can put a price on love?



of consumers plan to spend money on jewelry

In fact


of consumers opt for the sugary delight candy

Other popular gifts include


Gifts include cards




Romantic evening out

Speaking of price, around 3 in 10 Americans will go into credit card debt from their Valentine’s Day spending spree.

43% will hide it from their partner. Nothing says love like financial transparency.

Lets talk gifts on Valentine’s Day

Nearly half of consumers will receive a Valentine’s gift they don’t like.

Oof, awkward much?

35% of consumers opting for online shopping

34% hitting department stores

31% scouring discount stores

A staggering

224 million roses

are grown specifically for Valentine’s Day


of women will take matters into their own hands, purchasing flowers for themselves on Valentine’s Day.

ut amidst all the lovey-dovey statistics, there’s a somber note – mixtapes, the epitome of sentimental romance, are the least popular Valentine’s Day gift with only 13% of people expressing interest.

And let’s not forget the kids. In a surprising twist, children are more likely to receive gifts for Valentine’s Day than spouses.

Sorry, adults, it looks like the little ones are stealing your thunder this February 14th.

Being single on Valentine’s day

Love is in the air, but for singles, navigating the world of relationships can be a complex dance

A recent survey has shed light on the perspectives of singles, revealing that


believe Valentine’s Day adds undue pressure to budding relationships


would even consider parting ways with their significant other to avoid the financial strain of a special Valentine’s Day celebration.

One intriguing revelation is that men and women tend to be single at different stages of life, influenced by men’s shorter life expectancy and their inclination to marry later than women. The age breakdown of singles further emphasizes this, with adults under 30 being the most likely age group to be single (47%), while 30- to 49-year-olds are the least likely (21%).


Claim they are not actively seeking a relationship or casual dates. This figure has increased since 2019, indicating a growing trend of embracing the single life.

For those content with their single status . priorities and personal enjoyment take precedence. The top reasons for not currently seeking a relationship or dates include :


Having more important priorities


Enjoying the single life


Being too busy


Unsccessful experiences with dating or relationships


Considering themselves too old to date


Health problems

Learn more on this with Deloitte 

In a world where the dating landscape is continually evolving, singles are embracing their solo journeys with diverse perspectives and priorities. Whether actively seeking love or reveling in independence, the key is finding happiness and fulfillment in the unique journey of being single.  Even on Velentine’s Day.

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